Scientifically speaking, illness is a good thing - it is a way to signal to higher awareness systems on what is wrong. Body's signals should be interpreted and acted upon.
Studies show that a lot of those unpleasant body signals you and I feel are echoes of emotional, psychological, spiritual and social stress.
PsyAtlas™ combines three very distinct science fields to read and translate those signals: Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence and Psychosomatics (officially called "consultation liaison psychiatry" in US).
Our practice shows that this is the key to super-health and also happiness for people, and here's how it works:
Users journey starts with highlighting pain points in the body. It's very simple.
Those body signals are "translated" into reasons (stressors, conflicts, traumas, bad life strategies) in individuals life. Once the conflict is finished, the body will launch the "end of conflict" protocols and start the recovery process.
An in-app AI Therapist will guide patients, asking therapeutic questions and explaining the provided solutions 24/7, and our top-level qualified human professionals will be ready help with deeper and more complex conflicts.
PsyAtlas™ gives a easy to use visual way to get this process right for every user, regardless of their level of vocabulary, body parts knowledge or medical degree. It also understands the combinations of pains in a single pattern.
One of the downsides of modern pharmacologically sponsored medicine is that it is not built with holistic approach, and as a consequence when the central nervous system starts to biologize/somatize the stresses, the doctors cannot prescribe anything to ease a pain which can last for months, years or even decades, as they see no physical reason for a disease.
These symptoms can be removed be transcribing the pain into what the nervous system wants persons consciousness to acknowledge or change in life. The speed of recovery is then astonishing.